There are several legitimate sites that allow people to make money online for writing.some of these as under and All of these sites are free to join. 1 Write for This site allows you to share your knowledge, write solid How To articles and earn money from them. eHow pays once a month once your earnings reach over $10. 2 Suite Apply to write for Suite Similar to eHow. You must provide writing samples and a resume and await approval. Once approved, you can writer articles that will be reviewed and critiqued by an editor. They also pay once a month once your earnings exceed $10. 3 Bukisa is a new online content writing site. Sign up with Bukisa writing articles and post them. They pay once a month once your earnings reach $50. Just like with eHow and Suite 101, the more you write, the more traffic your articles get, the more you earn. Additionally, if you refer writers to Bukisa, you earn a bonus based on your referral's acti...
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