There are several legitimate sites that allow people to make money online for writing.some of these as under and All of these sites are free to join.
Write for This site allows you to share your knowledge, write solid How To articles and earn money from them. eHow pays once a month once your earnings reach over $10.
2 Suite
Apply to write for Suite Similar to eHow. You must provide writing samples and a resume and await approval. Once approved, you can writer articles that will be reviewed and critiqued by an editor. They also pay once a month once your earnings exceed $10.
Bukisa is a new online content writing site. Sign up with Bukisa writing articles and post them. They pay once a month once your earnings reach $50. Just like with eHow and Suite 101, the more you write, the more traffic your articles get, the more you earn. Additionally, if you refer writers to Bukisa, you earn a bonus based on your referral's activity.
Check out Associated Content. Another content provider site that is free to join. Similar to the above sites, the more you write, the more you can earn. Share your knowledge and get paid.
Apply at Demand Studios. Demand Studios provides content for sites like eHow, LiveStrong and a host of other well-established legitimate websites. Unlike the sites listed above, Demand Studios pays on a per article basis. The current rate is $15 per article. Demand Studios pays once a week via PayPal.
Thousands of Work-at-Home Jobs with guaranteed Payment (USD$) for Starting Click here.
Write for This site allows you to share your knowledge, write solid How To articles and earn money from them. eHow pays once a month once your earnings reach over $10.
2 Suite
Apply to write for Suite Similar to eHow. You must provide writing samples and a resume and await approval. Once approved, you can writer articles that will be reviewed and critiqued by an editor. They also pay once a month once your earnings exceed $10.
Bukisa is a new online content writing site. Sign up with Bukisa writing articles and post them. They pay once a month once your earnings reach $50. Just like with eHow and Suite 101, the more you write, the more traffic your articles get, the more you earn. Additionally, if you refer writers to Bukisa, you earn a bonus based on your referral's activity.
Check out Associated Content. Another content provider site that is free to join. Similar to the above sites, the more you write, the more you can earn. Share your knowledge and get paid.
Apply at Demand Studios. Demand Studios provides content for sites like eHow, LiveStrong and a host of other well-established legitimate websites. Unlike the sites listed above, Demand Studios pays on a per article basis. The current rate is $15 per article. Demand Studios pays once a week via PayPal.
Thousands of Work-at-Home Jobs with guaranteed Payment (USD$) for Starting Click here.